Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Freakin Love Bugs

I hate love bugs! The fact that love bugs exist disproves the validity of intelligent design. There is nothing intelligent about these windshield splattering, paint removing, swarming pieces of monkey poop. What function do they have other than to mate and keep Maaco in business?

My truck is covered with them. The front of my house has suffered from swarms for two days. My front porch and walkway looks like a massive bug grave yard.Supposedly they won't be back until the fall. Good riddance!

Have you noticed that love bug season is in synch with the snowbirds coming and leaving Florida? Interesting.

Monday, May 29, 2006

I don't know what I'm talking about!

I keep reading reviews and comments about the Da Vinci Code. Both the book and the movie have received a lot of attention. I'm not going to debate the" factual accuracy" of the "fictional" book. I'm not even going to point out if the religious groups wouldn't have made such a big deal about the book a few years ago I never would have read it.

What I find amusing is the people that speak as experts about the movie or the book without having seen or read it.

This extends well beyond this subject. Watch any news show and you will see "experts" that have no idea what they are talking about. Sure, Geraldo comes to mind... but there are others.

I'm going to call on you, my readers that number into the high single digits, to speak with authority on things you know nothing about!

No longer do you have to see a movie to review it:
FACT: Tom Hanks hair is terrible!

No longer do you have to watch a TV show to comment on it:
FACT: The writers of Lost and Desperate Housewives are now just making crap up to keep the show going.

You do not have to understand the Constitution to lead the country:
FACT: George W Bush ( sorry, I couldn't resist)

See how easy that is? All you have to do is add the word "FACT" and you instantly become an expert!Feel free to try it at your next family gathering or board meeting.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Summer Reading

I was responding to saur on Sweet N' Saur about books. After writing a lengthy reply I decided to ask you: my few readers what books do you read?

This is my list of favorites:
Robert B Parker's Spenser and Jesse Stone Books.

Dennis Lehane's books. A Drink Before the War was his first and very Spenser like. Mystic River was a big hit. Shutter Island blew my wife away - now she is hooked on him. Can't go wrong with any of his stuff.

I've read all of the Michael Connelly books. The Harry Bosh ones are my favorites. The Poet was pretty good.

The writer I try (and fail) to model my stuff after: Carl Hiaasen. If you haven't read him I'd suggest picking up his early stuff in paperback. He is a very pro-florida, anti tourist and anti development guy.

Nelson DeMille - especially the John Corey books. Gold Coast was solid.

I recently discovered John Sandford and his "prey" series. I've read most of them.

Tyrannosaur Canyon by Douglas Preston was pretty good. It has a Crichton feel. Preston also writes with Lincoln Child - those books are good reads but really creepy.

The past 6 months I started reading a lot of Florida Authors:

Jeff Lindsay (Dexter Series) the "hero" is a serial killer that kills other serial killers. The books are so twisted they are funny. Or maybe I need help.

Bob Morris - He has two: Bahamarama and Jamaica me Dead - they were OK.

James O. Born - Is a real FDLE cop. I read Escape Clause first and picked up his others.

I just bought two books by Sarasota writer: Wayne Barcomb but I haven't read them.

What are you reading?

Monday, May 22, 2006

Who do you look like?

I found this over on EDSBS. It is program that uses face recognition software to see what famous person you look like. Click here and spend a few hours.

All you need is a good picture of yourself. For example:

Jeb Bush looks like MacGyver

Good Times my friends... Good Times


What is the deal with 24?

Last year my wife became hooked on the show and I sat through and watched it with her. This year is the same. The show is OK but not great. The only thing I like about it is Jack. After watching this season I a’m left with some questions and thoughts:

  1. Does CTU screen any of their employees? Every year there is a mole in CTU.
  2. How come Jack never as to pee? He never eats or drinks either. Why can'’t he whip in to a Starbucks for a white mocha?
  3. He has the best cell phone ever! It never drops calls, has unreal battery life and always has at least 4 bars of reception. Alltel needs this phone.
  4. What kind of hand held device is he using? Is it the Super Palm with the 100gig hard drive? It has blue prints of all the buildings in LA, specs on planes, satellite feeds, and U2's complete music library and uncanny wireless connection speed. Where can I buy one?
  5. Is Jack really Mr. Know it All masquerading as a CTU agent? (see picture)
  6. Why isn'’t there ever any traffic?
  7. Why didn'’t Jack just call somebody at CTU and play the audio recording on a voice mail? Then there would be a back up.
If you come up with something feel free to add it.

Friday, May 19, 2006

Welcome to Wearing Gold Plated Diapers

Wearing Golden Diapers is from the SNL skit starring Christopher Walkin as Bruce Dickinson. Most people know the skit by the "cowbell" references. "Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription.. is more cowbell!"

Near the end Bruce says: "Babies.. before we're done here.. y'all be wearing gold-plated diapers."

That's where the name of this blog came from. Nobody knows what it means... and I thought it was funny.

here is a link to the skit: