Friday, June 02, 2006

The Batman

Once again I am using something form Sweet n Saur for material on my own blog. I should pay them a fee... but I'm not going to.

There was some discussion on what super hero we would be according to our postings and on line personalities. I was tabbed "Batman". This was funny to me because Batman was and still is my favorite of all super heroes.

I've always liked him because he was one guy, alone, trying to make things right in the world. He has no special abilities other than determination and a sharp mind.

When I began teaching I found having determination and a reasonably sharp mind to be valuable tools. Also required was the ability to work alone and often times count only on yourself to get things done.

Some may scoff at the idea of describing yourself through a comic book character - but I'm a guy and we are all still little kids at heart.

Climb into your own way back machine. Remember when you were a kid. Who did you want to be when you grew up? Did you grow into the "ideal" person or did you become somebody else?

Did some of those traits you admired make it to your present day self?

Did you think you were Superman only to become the Green Arrow?

Did you think you were Malibu Barbie only to become Strawberry Shortcake?

Did you always want to be GI Joe and end up turning into Ken? ( Not that there's anything wrong with that)

This is a pretty good Super Hero personality test. My only complaint is that I keep coming back as the Flash instead of the Batman. The Falsh is pretty cool so I can live with it.


Blogger Michael K. Althouse said...

One of my all time favorite trivia questions is "which superhero didn't have any super powers?" The answer, of course, is Batman. He was the working-man's superhero. He relied on strength of body and mind, used technology and he was vulnerable... he could be hurt. He is ethical, refined and principled and never misses an opportunity to point out one or more of these principles to his youthful ward.



Sat Jun 03, 11:30:00 AM  
Blogger michelle said...

I am Wonderwoman.

Sun Jun 04, 12:10:00 AM  
Blogger D-Dub said...


I'm sure you are!

Sun Jun 04, 12:43:00 PM  
Blogger Hairwoman said...

Looks like I could be the Green Lantern. Hot-headed. You have strong will power and a good imagination.

Love that Batman! Growing up, I never missed an episode. Could never afford to buy the comic books, though. Had to borrow from friends. Also enjoyed Batman Begins. It's on my list of movies I can watch again and again (I have a list of books like that, too.)

Mon Jun 05, 09:45:00 AM  
Blogger michelle said...

I've been thinking. Maybe I should go buy a Wonderwomen outfit. hmmm?

Mon Jun 05, 05:28:00 PM  
Blogger D-Dub said...

I've been thinking. Maybe I should go buy a Wonderwomen outfit. hmmm

Sure, feel free to post the pictures here!

Mon Jun 05, 05:33:00 PM  
Blogger D-Dub said...

Looks like I could be the Green Lantern. Hot-headed. You have strong will power and a good imagination.


I won't go all comic book geek nerd on you and say there were actually several Green Lanterns. Only the most recent have been hot headed.

(I need to get out more)

Mon Jun 05, 05:35:00 PM  
Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

Catwoman. All the way.

Mon Jun 05, 09:22:00 PM  

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