Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Freakin Love Bugs

I hate love bugs! The fact that love bugs exist disproves the validity of intelligent design. There is nothing intelligent about these windshield splattering, paint removing, swarming pieces of monkey poop. What function do they have other than to mate and keep Maaco in business?

My truck is covered with them. The front of my house has suffered from swarms for two days. My front porch and walkway looks like a massive bug grave yard.Supposedly they won't be back until the fall. Good riddance!

Have you noticed that love bug season is in synch with the snowbirds coming and leaving Florida? Interesting.


Blogger michelle said...

You are right! Those d@$n snowbirds!

Wed May 31, 10:08:00 PM  
Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

If I recall correctly, lovebugs were introduced to Florida by a researcher at UF who had imported the bugs for study, and they got loose. Of course this could be urban legend.

Thu Jun 01, 04:38:00 PM  
Blogger D-Dub said...

I read they came from central America

Birds eat them.

At least snowbirds don't mess up my car. Except when they crash into it.

Thu Jun 01, 09:36:00 PM  
Blogger michelle said...

Well I work in a hospital so I will say is again, "Those d@$n snowbirds!"

Thu Jun 01, 10:19:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When my sister went to UF and was in some Bio program when this topic came up. Love bugs were actually, geneticaly engineered at UF. They were "created" there for the purpose of eating mosquitos. They don't eat them and they reproduce like crazy. Since they have no natural predators, their numbers only increase. It's not an urban legend.

(I forgot my password??)

Fri Jun 09, 10:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

read this...these are not genetically mutated crazed mosquito killing bugs.......

Wed Sep 10, 02:53:00 PM  

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