Monday, May 29, 2006

I don't know what I'm talking about!

I keep reading reviews and comments about the Da Vinci Code. Both the book and the movie have received a lot of attention. I'm not going to debate the" factual accuracy" of the "fictional" book. I'm not even going to point out if the religious groups wouldn't have made such a big deal about the book a few years ago I never would have read it.

What I find amusing is the people that speak as experts about the movie or the book without having seen or read it.

This extends well beyond this subject. Watch any news show and you will see "experts" that have no idea what they are talking about. Sure, Geraldo comes to mind... but there are others.

I'm going to call on you, my readers that number into the high single digits, to speak with authority on things you know nothing about!

No longer do you have to see a movie to review it:
FACT: Tom Hanks hair is terrible!

No longer do you have to watch a TV show to comment on it:
FACT: The writers of Lost and Desperate Housewives are now just making crap up to keep the show going.

You do not have to understand the Constitution to lead the country:
FACT: George W Bush ( sorry, I couldn't resist)

See how easy that is? All you have to do is add the word "FACT" and you instantly become an expert!Feel free to try it at your next family gathering or board meeting.


Blogger Hairwoman said...

No longer do you have to be objective to report the news.
FACT: Fox News Channel is committed to being fair and balanced.

You're right. This is fun!

Tue May 30, 01:18:00 AM  
Blogger Saur♥Kraut said...

FACT: Brilliant!

I posted on The DaVinci Code Revealed here. ;o) We think alike.

Tue May 30, 04:28:00 PM  

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